Ecuador Update: Virtual Learning and College Preparation

All over the world, students, teachers, and parents are having to make major adjustments to the way they do school. It is no different in Ecuador. To accommodate our 103 students, Starfish has been providing virtual tutoring. Between navigating online classes, helping younger siblings with online learning, and working to support their families, the students are very busy—but are adapting and improving! One of our students, Valeria G., told us, “At first, it was a little hard for me because I don’t like the new way of virtual learning, but over time, I adapted, and I started to like it.”

Starfish has been making many changes, such as reducing our number of staff, bringing in more virtual volunteers to work with students, and using more live tutoring sessions instead of pre-recorded videos. We also have been working with volunteers to run a variety of virtual clubs. These clubs have focused on activities like rock painting, Japanese language, jewelry making, and more!

Looking ahead, we are preparing our seniors for higher education with our College Prep Initiative. Our team is beginning to meet with seniors and their parents to guide them through the college entrance process. In addition, we are recognizing the achievements of our seniors. One standout senior is Sara Q., who was named abanderada, which means she is one of the top students in her class! Congratulations, Sara!

We are excited to see even more growth and achievement in our students, and we have many things planned. Despite the pandemic, Starfish has a lot to celebrate and anticipate!

Starfish Foundation